Summer Pictures

Though it's rained almost constantly for the past couple of months, our family has had a fantastic summer!  Our grandparents are up to visit until September, and we've already made loads of memories.  I thought I'd share some photos of my favorite summer memories so far.

Of Secondary Importance

Isn't it interesting that very rarely in any book is the main character actually our favorite hero? Frodo is supposed to be the main character of The Lord of the Rings, yet I invariably discuss, think about and admire Gandalf, Aragorn, and even Boromir more than I do Frodo.  When I read Enemy Brothers, of course I … Continue reading Of Secondary Importance

Ask Away!

Inspired by my good friend Maribeth's latest blog post, I've decided to hold my own blog post interview!  I have always wanted to have a bit more interaction with all of you fantastic readers, but haven't had a good opportunity until now.  The idea of an interview sounds so much fun, and I can't wait … Continue reading Ask Away!